Why you should visit Western Australia

Travel guide and Tips: Why you should visit Western-Australia.

Western Australia attractions on our popular Perth to Exmouth tour.

Aerial view of the Kalbarri Skywalk, Kalbarri National Park

Adorable Quokkas, mesmerizing reefs, vibrant marine life, awe-inspiring landscapes, and charming cities—these are just a glimpse of what makes Western Australia a must-visit destination.

Captivated by the stories of the West Coast and intrigued by the underexplored nature of the region, I embarked on a 7-day tour from Perth to Exmouth to uncover the truth behind the tales. And I can confidently say it exceeded my wildest expectations! a 7-day tour from Perth to Exmouth, unfolded a series of awe-inspiring moments, including bucket-list-worthy activities, an abundance of wildlife and unique scenic landscapes. In this blog, I’ll walk you through each day of this remarkable expedition, hoping to convey the magic that awaits and convince you to discover Western Australia for yourself.

Perth to Kalbarri National Park

On the first day of the tour, we had to meet in the centrum of Perth to wait for our tour guide, who would pick us up in a van that would take us from Perth to Exmouth in 7 days. Together with 20 fellow adventurers, we drove to our first stop: The Pinnacles. Our guide shared fascinating details about this natural wonder before allowing us the freedom to explore the Pinnacles Desert and capture those Instagram-worthy moments. Our journey continued to a picturesque Pink Lake! We were told that this was the best place to spot Flamingo’s. Unfortunately for us, we didn’t see any although our tour guide tried his best to find them for us.

After a lunch stop at a charming location, we proceeded through scenic landscapes to Kalbarri. The Indian Ocean Drive treated us to stunning views of dramatic cliffs, setting the tone for the week. The day concluded with settling into our hostel, enjoying stir-fried chicken for dinner, and a laid-back evening with socializing and an introduction to an optional thrilling experience we could do the next day!

Kalbarri National Park to Monkey Mia, Shark Bay

Our day kicked off early at 4:30 am to catch the sunrise at Nature’s Window in Kalbarri National Park, and the early wake-up call was worthwhile! The unique landscape, where water has sculpted its way through sandstone, offered stunning views and a delightful path to explore. The experience was not only picturesque but also a prime opportunity for some Instagram-worthy moments. For those seeking an extra thrill, abseiling from a 25-meter-high rock was an enticing option. This optional activity allowed us to slide down while being captured by group members stationed on the paparazzi rock—an exhilarating and bucket-list-worthy adventure. Despite it being only the second day of the tour, the abundance of beautiful nature on the Western side of Australia makes this the ideal tour for nature enthusiasts.

The drive through Kalbarri National Park presented opportunities to spot native Australian wildlife; our drive back featured adorable baby kangaroos, which really completed the Kalbarri experience. Our journey continued to the Hamelin Pool Conservation Reserve, home to the world’s most abundant and diverse stromatolites—a unique sight found in only a few places. Following this, we arrived at the renowned Monkey Mia, our beachfront hostel offering a choice to join a Catamaran Sunset Cruise. The cruise provided a serene experience to unwind, enjoy a drink, and witness the sunset gradually disappearing. If lucky, one might even spot dolphins. The evening concluded with a delicious barbecue, leaving us well-prepared for the adventures of the next day.

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay to Coral Bay

Monkey Mia is renowned for its captivating dolphin feeding experience. At 7:45 am, we gathered around the boardwalk as a ranger shared insightful information about the dolphins. Even before our involvement, we witnessed these incredible creatures leaping out of the water and swimming near the shore. Volunteers, (tip for future participants: wear white or a bright color to increase your chances of being selected), were chosen to feed the dolphins. It was a truly amazing start to the day, and I couldn’t have imagined a better way to kick things off. Following this heartwarming encounter, we took a moment to prepare our lunch and enjoyed a delightful coffee on the beach before hitting the road for our next adventure.

Our journey continued to Shark Bay, where we visited an incredible viewpoint ideal for spotting sharks—a delightful surprise for me. Western Australia, I discovered, is home to unique wildlife wherever you go! You’re likely to encounter extraordinary animals that are challenging to find in more crowded locations. This aspect alone is a compelling reason to visit Western Australia. After our Shark Bay excursion, we proceeded to Shell Beach—a unique stretch entirely composed of tiny white shells and surrounded by incredible warm blue waters.

The beauty of the beach surpassed my expectations and deepened my admiration for the West Coast. The diversity of Western Australia’s landscapes and the unexpected beauty of places like Shell Beach made for an unforgettable journey. After a series of impressive stops and a satisfying lunch, we arrived in Coral Bay, where our comfortable hostel awaited us right on the famous Ningaloo Reef. The aroma of burgers being grilled filled the air, offering us a perfect opportunity to reflect on the day’s adventures.

“We swam for 10 minutes and encountered 25 sharks—a truly awesome and unique experience, showcasing the vibrant diversity of Ningaloo Reef.” Real Aussie

Coral Bay and Ningaloo Reef

Today was a free day, offering the choice of snorkeling, exploring a shark nursery, or an optional activity at Ningaloo Reef. I decided to go with the optional activity at Ningaloo reef, departing at 8:00 am. The crew shared details about our first snorkeling spot, where we encountered 6 turtles, an eel, stingrays, and an array of fish—a fantastic start. The underwater photographer captured stunning images of the marine life. After hot drinks and bread on the boat, we sailed to the next snorkeling spot known for sharks. In just 10 minutes, we spotted around 25 sharks, highlighting the incredible diversity and colors of Ningaloo Reef. We then headed to the Manta Ray spot, where, after a brief interruption by a curious dolphin, we swam with three incredible Manta Rays, each three meters wide.

The crew provided lunch, and we visited a turtle sanctuary, spotting numerous green sea turtles before heading back to Coral Bay, accompanied by two dolphins. This was my favorite activity, creating a lifetime memory. As we reconnected with the rest of the group, our journey to Exmouth included a stop at Learmonth. This used to be part of the sea bottom but now offering incredible views and photo opportunities. This day underscored the tour’s remarkable diversity, immersing us not only in natural landscapes but also in the captivating waters, showcasing the varied wildlife and landscapes—a compelling reason to visit Western Australia.

Exmouth and Cape Range National Park

Today was dedicated to exploring the wonders and attractions of Exmouth, with the option to embark on another boat tour for seasonal whale shark sightings. Our first stop showcased an incredibly large wreck visible from the shore. We then ventured into Cape Range National Park to visit Turquoise Bay. At the information center, we had the opportunity to rent snorkel sets and grab some snacks before spending a delightful morning at the beach. Spotting turtles, stingrays, sharks, and an abundance of fish, the snorkel trip was filled with adventure! A beach stroll also offered a serene encounter with two dolphins swimming just 5 meters offshore. The balance between adventurous activities and relaxed moments was, in my opinion, perfect. Amidst all the excitement, there was sufficient time to pause, absorb, and appreciate the surroundings—a compelling reason to explore this side of Australia at your own pace. On the drive back, we encountered a Dingo and Emus, a thrilling experience for me, as I had never seen a wild Dingo before.

Back at the hostel, we prepared lunch and enjoyed some relaxation before heading to the lighthouse to witness a stunning sunset and hear intriguing historical stories from our guide. This tour isn’t just about adventure; this side offers plenty of historical facts, making it an excellent choice for history enthusiasts—a notable reason to visit Western Australia. As the sun set, we drove to the beach in hopes of spotting resting turtles or, if lucky, witnessing eggs hatching. While the turtles remained unseen, the beach walk offered a refreshing and relaxed experience. Along the way back to the hostel, we spotted a snake, and our guide stopped at a safe spot, allowing us to marvel at the incredible night sky filled with stars—a perfect way to conclude the day.

Exmouth to Northampton

On the sixth day, we began our journey back to the bustling city of Perth. However, before returning to reality and urban life, we were treated to one final night at a charming farm stay in Northampton. Along the way, we made a delightful stop at a fruit shop that tempted us with its delicious chocolate bananas. Upon reaching the farm stay, we had the unique opportunity to interact with the local camel, a rescued member of the family, as well as observe the various cows, horses, and donkeys they owned. The sight of these diverse animals in one place created a humorous and memorable scene.

The farm’s two kids even gave us a lesson on cracking a whip, and attempting it revealed a newfound respect for their skill. For dinner, the family prepared a mouthwatering chicken curry, and as we savored our meal, we were entertained by kangaroos hopping through the grass in search of food. This unexpected variety of activities highlights the richness of experiences Western Australia has to offer and serves as yet another compelling reason to explore the region.

Exmouth to Perth

As the last day arrived, a sense of melancholy settled upon the group, realizing our extraordinary journey through Western Australia was coming to an end. However, before bidding farewell to our unforgettable adventure, we had a variety of enjoyable activities lined up.

Our first stop was the Greenough where we made a stop to see the leaning Tree which grows sideways because of the constant wind the city faces every day. Following that, we explored the Greenough Wildlife Camp; Bird Park, a rescue center for various animals. Feeding adorable kangaroos, emus, and ostriches, and even holding a snake provided us with a humorous but amazing experience. A surprise beach encounter with stingrays before lunch added an extra layer of awe. Post-lunch, we embarked on our final activity: sandboarding down pristine white-sand dunes. Nervous excitement turned into pure enjoyment as we glided down. With this exhilarating day drawing to a close, we reluctantly headed back to the city, saying farewell to newfound friends and continuing our individual journeys.

Reflecting on the tour, it stands out as one of my best experiences in Australia. The variety of activities, wildlife encounters, scenic landscapes and the creation of lifelong memories made it truly exceptional. Western Australia, with its diverse offerings, proved to be worth every penny. This experience deepened my understanding of Australia’s diverse regions and fostered a greater appreciation, accompanied by an incredible amount of pictures. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my experience. The hours in the van, combined with many stops for food, were well worth it. I hope this blog has not only entertained you but also shed light on the beauty of Western Australia. Beyond the reasons I’ve shared on why to visit, consider exploring the amazing tours offered below.

See our Western Australia attractions for yourself on tour



View from the air of the reef at Coral Bay in Western Australia on our Western Australia tours
Nature's Window, Kalbarri National Park
Dolphins in the shallow water at Monkey Mia on our Perth to Exmouth tour. Western Australia