Discover the Wildlife Wonders of South Australia

We have so much unique and rare wildlife in South Australia. So here we give a run down on where to see native Australian Animals in South Australia.

Discover the Wildlife Wonders of South Australia: A Zoo Without Fences

Welcome to South Australia, where the wildlife roams free and nature’s beauty is on full display. From the treetops to the ocean depths, this region offers unparalleled opportunities to get up close with some of Australia’s most iconic animals in their natural habitats. 

Whether you’re an adventure seeker looking to dive with sharks or a family wanting to cuddle koalas, South Australia is the ultimate destination for wildlife enthusiasts. 


Let’s explore the best wildlife experiences this amazing region has to offer.


“From kangaroos and koalas to dolphins and sharks, discover the best spots for unique animal encounters in their natural habitats” Real Aussie Adventures

Title: Placid Gems Region: Flinders Ranges & Outback
Seal Bay Conservation Park on our Kangaroo Island tours.
Echidna at Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park on our Kangaroo Island tours.

Shark Cage Diving: Face-to-Tooth with Great Whites

For thrill-seekers, South Australia is one of the few places in the world where you can dive with Great White Sharks. The turquoise waters off the Eyre Peninsula are renowned for their shark cage diving experiences. This adrenaline-pumping adventure allows you to come face-to-face with these magnificent predators from the safety of a steel cage. The first shark cage expedition took place here, and today, operators like Calypso Star Charters offer eco-certified tours, ensuring both safety and sustainability. Diving with Great Whites, which can grow up to seven meters and weigh over 3,000 kilograms, is an unforgettable encounter that belongs on every adventurer’s bucket list.

Swimming with Australian Sea Lions: The Ocean’s Playful Pups

Imagine swimming alongside the ocean’s most charismatic residents—Australian Sea Lions. These playful creatures are often referred to as the puppies of the sea, and they make for delightful underwater companions. South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island are prime locations for these encounters. Tours with Calypso Star Charters in Port Lincoln and Kangaroo Island Ocean Safari allow you to frolic with sea lions in their natural environment. At Seal Bay on Kangaroo Island, you can observe a colony of endangered sea lions lounging on the beach, or join them in the water for an unforgettable swim.

Whale Watching: A Spectacle of the Deep

From June to September, South Australia’s coastline becomes a stage for one of nature’s greatest shows—the migration of Southern Right Whales. These gentle giants travel from Antarctic waters to the warmer shores of South Australia to give birth and raise their calves. The Head of Bight on the Eyre Peninsula offers some of the best whale watching opportunities. Here, you can stroll along the boardwalk and get so close that you can hear the whales’ blowholes. For an even more dramatic view, boat tours and aerial flights provide a unique perspective on these magnificent mammals. EP Cruises and other local operators offer eco-friendly tours that bring you right into the heart of the action.

Koalas: Up Close with Australia’s Favorite Marsupial

South Australia is a haven for koalas, with significant populations found in various regions. Just minutes from Adelaide, the leafy suburbs and the lush Adelaide Hills provide excellent koala-spotting opportunities. Cleland Wildlife Park, located in the Adelaide Hills, is home to over 130 native species, including koalas, kangaroos, wombats, and reptiles. For a truly immersive experience, head to Kangaroo Island, where you can find Australia’s only chlamydia-free koala population. At Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park, you can cuddle koalas, hand-feed kangaroos, and see a variety of native animals in a natural setting.

Kangaroos: An Iconic Australian Encounter

Kangaroos are synonymous with Australia, and South Australia offers countless opportunities to see these iconic animals in the wild. From the vineyards of the Adelaide Hills and Clare Valley to the sandy beaches of the Yorke and Fleurieu Peninsulas, kangaroos are a common sight. For a guaranteed kangaroo encounter, visit places like Cleland Wildlife Park, Gorge Wildlife Park, or Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary. Further afield, the Flinders Ranges provides some of the best wildlife spotting opportunities, where you can explore areas like Rawnsley Park Station and Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park.


Wildlife sign in South Australia

Dolphins: Swimming with Intelligence

Swimming with wild dolphins is a dream come true for many, and South Australia offers some of the best opportunities to do so. Just minutes from Adelaide, Temptation Sailing in Glenelg provides dolphin viewing and swimming experiences. The Gulf St Vincent is home to thousands of common and bottlenose dolphins, making sightings almost guaranteed. On Kangaroo Island, Marine Adventures charters take you to remote beaches where you can swim with dolphins and seals, ensuring a magical encounter with these intelligent mammals.

Cuttlefish: An Underwater Spectacle

The annual migration of Giant Australian Cuttlefish is one of South Australia’s most extraordinary underwater events. From May to August, thousands of cuttlefish gather in the waters around Whyalla on the Eyre Peninsula to mate and spawn. Known as the chameleons of the sea, cuttlefish can change their colors and patterns in a mesmerizing display. This natural phenomenon attracts divers and snorkelers from around the world, offering a unique and vibrant underwater experience.

Birdlife: A Paradise for Twitchers

South Australia is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with nearly 500 species thriving across its varied landscapes. From woodlands and wetlands to coastlines and deserts, the region offers diverse habitats for birdwatching. The Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary is a key stopover for migratory birds from as far as Alaska and Siberia. For coastal bird species, visit Coorong National Park and Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park. The Murray River area is excellent for spotting waterbirds, with over 200 species in the region. The Flinders Ranges is another prime location, known for sightings of the majestic Wedge-tailed Eagle.

Get Back to Nature: Off-Grid Escapes

For those looking to immerse themselves fully in nature, South Australia offers a range of off-grid accommodations. These retreats provide a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle, allowing you to wake up to the sounds of the wild and truly reconnect with the natural world. Whether you choose a secluded cabin in the Adelaide Hills or a beachside eco-lodge on Kangaroo Island, you’ll find the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate.

Koala so cute. Exceptional Kangaroo Island on our Kangaroo Island tours.

South Australia is a treasure trove of wildlife experiences, offering a unique blend of adventure, education, and natural beauty. From the thrill of shark cage diving to the serene joy of cuddling a koala, there’s something for everyone. 

Whether you’re a local or a visitor, these encounters will leave you with unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for Australia’s incredible wildlife. 

So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to explore the wild wonders of South Australia with Real Aussie Adventures.

Real Aussie Recommendations

  • Ask your guide- your guide knows the secret spots for seeing the best Australian Native Wildlife. So let them know on tour you are keen to get up close and personal to as many animals as possible.
  • Sunrise – get up early on tour and take a walk around the campsite. Always a great time to spot native wildlife.

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